Here's what you need:
{foam wreath
{cream ribbon
{glue gun
{vintage sheet music
{masking tape
{a small cup
That's it!
Let's get started.
You could use any size foam wreath but the only one the dollar store had the day I went was this really wide one, so...
I just cut it right in half with a knife.
If you buy a thick one like me, just save the other half for when you want to make another book page wreath. Trust me you will--they're addicting.
Wrap the wreath with a wide ribbon, glueing occasionally as you go. Or you could skip this whole step, especially if your wreath is white or cream.
This one was made out of florist foam and flaked every time I touched it so I definitely wanted to wrap it.
Now tear out about 50 pages of vintage sheet music. This is where it gets really fun. Once you get the idea of how to form each sheet into a cone shape it goes really quick.
This is how you do it:
Take a sheet and place your fingers on the two corners on the long side of the paper.
Keep your left hand still and with only your right hand wrap that corner around
continue to wrap in a forward motion
keep twisting
Now twist your left and right hands in opposite directions to tighten the cone.
You can twist a lot to make a skinnier cone
or twist less and leave the cone opening bigger. Then secure with a small piece of masking tape.
I used a combination of skinny and big ones.
Once you have a big pile of these you are ready to glue.
Put your cup right in the middle. This will help you get a nice size circle opening in the center. You can vary the cup size depending on how big or small you want the opening to be.
Go all around the wreath hot glueing a single layer of cones to the wreath form. Don't worry if there are spaces or if it doesn't look perfect, this layer will be covered up.
Continue with a second layer.
Hang using a piece of ribbon or fabric threaded around the back of the wreath form.
Right now my wreath hangs simply from a small nail but I envision it one day hanging in the middle of a shabby door or gate hung just above the piano.